Dec 28, 2022
By Igor Bonifacic | Engadget The test could replace the need for lumbar punctures and brain scans. Igor Bonifacic|@igorbonifacic|December 28, 2022 5:43 PMWhen doctors need to confirm an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, they often turn to a combination of brain imaging and...
Dec 28, 2022
By Lisa O’Mary | WebMD Dec. 28, 2022 – Researchers have developed a blood test for Alzheimer’s disease that could pave the way for better research and less invasive diagnosis of the disease. Scientists are particularly hopeful that the new test will facilitate a...
Dec 28, 2022
By Bari Faye Dean | Becker’s Hospital Review Research scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine developed a blood test to successfully detect a biomarker specific to Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published in Brain Dec. 27....
Dec 27, 2022
By Tony Ho Tran | The Daily Beast When it comes to Alzheimer’s, one of the biggest hurdles patients face is actually testing and getting a confirmed diagnosis for the disease. Tried and true methods that include brain imaging with MRI scanners, and spinal fluid...
Dec 27, 2022
By Linda Geddes | The Guardian Scientists have developed a blood test to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease without the need for expensive brain imaging or a painful , where a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is drawn from the lower back. If validated, the test could...